Exercise: Rock Bucket Strength Training to Beat Weightlifters

"If you carry big buckets of rocks up a steep hill every day for a year, how strong are you going to be compared to someone who lifts weights everyday for a year ?"

Hi my friend,

I’ll share with you 3 aspects that will make you feel good about your rock bucket strength training, which are

  1. About Strength
  2. About Variety
  3. About the Environment

ONE: About Strength

If you are trying to best those weightlifters with your rock-carrying strength up the hill, you ABSOLUTELY can.

Just apply the same principle of PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD like they do.

It means increasing your weights by 10–15% every 2–3 weeks.

If you're currently carrying 100kg of rocks, try to carry 110kg. And after getting used to these new weights for 2–3weeks, try to carry 125kg. Keep on increasing the rock weights successively.

You will be progressively overloading your muscles' capacity, thereby forcing them to adapt and grow stronger.

But remember to stay safe. You don't want to get injured either.

Do this religiously, progressively, and consistently. And after a year, you'll be a force of nature to be reckoned with.

You'll be like SAMSON uprooting that insanely heavy city gate and carrying it all the way up the hill.

TWO: What about variety?

Can your buckets of rocks best the variety of workouts of those weightlifters?


With some ingenuity, you can make these buckets of rocks to be your very own FULL-RANGE gym equipment.

And how do we do that?

Well In my previous answer to you, I’ve already mentioned that carrying big buckets of rocks up the hill is like a challenger version of the FARMER’S WALK or FARMER’S CARRY.

It’s a powerhouse exercise that targets your shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms, upper back, quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves and core.

You can also use a long rod as a shoulder pole or a MILKMAID’S YOKE to carry your two buckets of rocks on your shoulder. And you can use it to SQUAT or LUNGE. It’s just the same thing as a weightlifter doing FRONT SQUATS or LUNGES with a barbell on their shoulders.

BARBELL SQUATS and BARBELL LUNGES are compound exercises that activates muscle groups throughout your lower body, including your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles.

It’s like a stone on David’s sling killing multiple Goliaths at the same times. Yes. multiple muscle groups at once with just your buckets of rocks with a little bit of INGENUITY. What a catch!

These are POSSIBLE examples of what you can do with those buckets of rocks.

And the possibilities are LIMITLESS!

THREE: The whole hill is your gym!

Say what?

You heard me right. You don’t have to cram yourself in the crowded gym like a sardine can as those weightlifters do. You are free to carry your buckets of rocks up the spacious hill any time you want, without distractions.

You can now focus on your fitness goals to best those weightlifters in strength and variety, in a year.

In conclusion:

You can ABSOLUTELY best those weightlifters with your rock bucket strength training, in terms of strength, variety with a bit of ingenuity, and an environment for you to stay focus in achieving your fitness goals.

So go on. You can do it!

If you find this helpful, please




May you be blessed.

Yours faithfully,

Strength Training with Gary


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