Strength Training: Building a Strong Foundation for Your Body and Soul

"Why do people say muscle weighs more than fat when common sense and logic tells us that a pound of muscle weights exactly the same as a pound of fat? Why don't they say 1 pound of muscle takes up less space than 1 pound of fat? get my point?"

Hi friend,

I get your point. Common sense and logic do tell us that a pound of one is indeed equal to a pound of another.

So what do people mean when they say that muscle weighs more than fat?

They're talking about density. Density is a measure of how much mass is packed into a given volume. Muscle is more dense than fat, which means that a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat.

Here's an insight:

When we build muscle, we're essentially reinforcing the foundation of our house. This makes our house stronger and more stable. It also allows us to support more weight.

When we lose fat, we're essentially removing some of the insulation from our house. This makes our house lighter, but it also makes it less energy-efficient and less well-protected from the elements.

When we build muscle, we're not only improving our physical health, we're also making ourselves more capable of serving God. We're better able to withstand the challenges of life and to carry out His mission in the world.

So, while it's not technically correct to say that muscle weighs more than fat, it is true that muscle is more dense than fat. And this has a number of benefits for our health and well-being.

I hope this helps, friend! If it does, please

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May you be blessed with the power of David and the wisdom of Solomon.

Faithfully yours,

Strength Training with Gary


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