Exercise: Increase Your Vertical Jump in 40 Days With These Fun Analogies

"How do I increase my vertical jump in 40 days? I want to be able to block higher for my volleyball season."

Hello friend,

On your question: “How do I increase my vertical jump in 40 days? I want to be able to block higher for my volleyball season.”, my answer is simple.

Just get on with your plyometrics exercises and workouts that strengthen your legs:

Squats: Imagine you're a pirate trying to bury your treasure chest. You need to squat down low to dig a deep hole, but the chest is heavier than you thought. You have to use all your leg muscles to lift it up. Squats are like that, but instead of treasure chests, you're lifting weights.

Lunges: Imagine you're a spy trying to sneak into a secret lair. You have to take long, careful steps without making a sound. Lunges are like that, but instead of sneaking into secret lairs, you're working your leg muscles.

Deadlifts: Imagine you're a construction worker trying to lift a heavy beam. You need to use all your strength to get it off the ground. Deadlifts are like that, but instead of beams, you're lifting weights.

Jumping jacks: Imagine you're a starlet on the red carpet. You need to have your arms and legs moving all the time to look fabulous. Jumping jacks are like that, but instead of looking fabulous, you're getting a good workout.

Box jumps: Imagine you're a kangaroo. You need to jump high and far to get around. Box jumps are like that, but instead of getting around, you're working your leg muscles.

Depth jumps: Imagine you're a superhero landing from a tall building. You need to bend your knees and absorb the impact. Depth jumps are like that, but instead of landing from tall buildings, you're jumping from a box or bench.

Tuck jumps: Imagine you're a ninja trying to dodge a laser beam. You need to tuck your knees into your chest and jump as high as you can. Tuck jumps are like that, but instead of dodging laser beams, you're working your leg muscles.

How to do these exercises intensively, consciously, and consistently:

  • Intensity: Do as many repetitions as you can with good form. If you can do more than 15 repetitions, increase the weight or difficulty of the exercise.
  • Consciousness: Focus on using the correct muscles and maintaining good form. Don't let your form suffer as you get tired.
  • Consistency: Do these exercises at least 3 times per week. The more consistent you are, the faster you'll see results.

How to see a noticeable increase in your vertical jump in 40 days:

Follow the tips above and you should see a noticeable increase in your vertical jump in 40 days. However, keep in mind that results vary from person to person. Some people may see results sooner than 40 days, while others may need more time.

But if you are very serious in topping your vertical jump, then you may need a good full-package training techniques: Visit fit40strong.com

If you find this useful, please




Thank you.

Faithfully yours, Gary



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