EXERCISE: Pull-Ups - Why Your Biceps Get Sore Instead of Your Back, and How to Fix It

EXERCISE: Pull-Ups - Why Your Biceps Get Sore Instead of Your Back, and How to Fix It

Pull-ups are an excellent upper body exercise, but they can indeed hit different muscle groups depending on how you perform them.

When you focus on a narrow grip or use an underhand (palms facing you, i.e. Chin-Up) grip, you're putting more emphasis on your biceps.

That's why you might feel the burn in your biceps before your back.

Now, if you want to target your back more during pull-ups, consider using a wider overhand grip (palms facing away from you).

This grip engages your lats and other back muscles more effectively.

You can also play around with your hand positioning to find the sweet spot that works best for you.

And if you're looking for more tips, here are my recommendations. Scan the QR code and visit the link.

Here's a quick numerical tip for you: aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps with proper form.

This rep range is great for building both strength and muscle endurance.

Remember, form is crucial to avoid unnecessary strain on your joints and to ensure you're working the right muscles.

Let's talk about real examples.

Think of it like this: if you were to throw a punch, your biceps would play a significant role in bending your elbow, right?

But what generates the power for that punch? Your back muscles,

  • especially your latissimus dorsi, are the primary movers in activities like pulling yourself up during a pull-up.

So, it's essential to engage those back muscles effectively.

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Much appreciated! 😊

Yours faithfully, Gary


Click on the following for further reading: "What is better for building a wide back, the pullup or the chin up?" 》Answer.
"What is the best pull-up workout for making the back more muscular?" 》Answer.

What is a muscle-building 5-day workout routine with only a pull-up bar?" 》Answer.


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